Information for Authors

The article, abstract and information about the author, prepared in accordance with the requirements, should be sent electronically to the e-mail of the Editor-in-Chief:

Сhief editor: Tatyana V. Maltseva,
Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor

The material should be submitted in one file in the following order:

1. Information about the author

Full name, affiliation, place of work and position, academic degree, title, postal address, e-mail, ORCHID (available here:, contact phone.

2. abstract

Abstract should contain:

- title of the article and author's name - in Russian and English;
- abstract in Russian and English of at least 1000 characters with spaces;
- key words and phrases (7-10 words) in Russian and in English.

3. Article

Length of an article: 18,000 characters (min 18,000) and max 44,000 characters (max 44,000) with spaces. Margins are 2,0 cm each; indentation 0,5 cm. Font Times New Roman Cyr, font size 14 points, line spacing 1.5 points for the main text, 10 points, line spacing 1.0 points for references and remarks.

When submitting the file the name "Ivanov_article" should be given.

The Editorial Board reserves the right to check incoming materials by means of the software environment "Anti-plagiarism" to detect unauthorized borrowings. The percentage of text originality including citations from white sources is 85%. In case of non-compliance with these requirements, the editorial board will not consider the manuscript.

Recommended algorithm of work with the manuscript

1. identify the type of publication:
- Research article / Original article - a detailed format for presenting the results of a logically completed scientific research; - 8-10 pages, 5-8 figures, at least 15 references;
- review is a critical summary of a research topic; 10 or more pages, 5 or more figures, at least 50 references;
- Short Communication - a concise format for presenting individual results of a logically complete scientific study; - max. 2500 words, max. 2 figures or tables, min. 8 references.
2 Define the UDC code:
3. define the GRSTI cipher:
4. DOI is assigned by the editorial board after acceptance of the article for publication.
5.    Format the article according to the template, keeping in mind the following guidelines:
- The title of the article should briefly (maximum 10-12 words) and accurately reflect the content of the article and the scientific results obtained.
- Abstract. The recommended length is at least 1000 characters with spaces. It is inadmissible to copy fragments of relevant sections of the article into the abstract, except for the "Materials and Methods" section.
- Keywords. 7-10 words that accurately reflect the content of the article. The use of voluminous word combinations is not recommended, except for common terms.
- Acknowledgements. It is advisable to mention in this section people and organizations who gave financial and other support to the author during preparation of article, including reviewers.
- Introduction. The recommended length is 2-4 pages. It contains the formulation of scientific problem, justification of its relevance and novelty, importance for the development of the relevant branch of knowledge. Introduction contains a review of the main relevant sources, on which the author relies. It is advisable to consider at least 20 publications. The introduction should conclude with the formulation of the aim, objectives and hypothesis of the research. The title "Introduction" inside the article is not specified, due to the peculiarities of technical layout of the journal.
- Materials and methods. The recommended length of 1-2 pages. Contains a description of the research methodology, its object and sequence.
- Results. The recommended length of 4-5 pages. Contains a systematic presentation of the main results of the study in order to prove the hypothesis, including the necessary illustrative material (figures, tables).
- Discussion and conclusions. 1-2 pages. Formulates research findings, conclusions and recommendations for further research.
- References. Contains at least 20 sources on the research topic. ALL sources must be cited in the text. NB! It is NOT allowed to include in the list of references Internet resources, normative legal acts, educational editions, dissertations and thesis abstracts, sources inaccessible to the general scientific community (references to the mentioned materials are acceptable in the format of page footnotes).

Dear authors!

We remind you that according to Art. 1257. The author of a work The author of a work of science, literature or art is a citizen whose creative labour created it. The person indicated as the author on the original or copy of the work or otherwise in accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 1300 of this Code, shall be considered its author, unless proven otherwise.

In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated 10 October 2019 N 490 "On the Development of Artificial Intelligence in the Russian Federation", artificial intelligence is a set of technological solutions that allows imitating human cognitive functions (including self-learning and search for solutions without a predetermined algorithm) and obtaining, when performing specific tasks, results comparable, at least, to the results of human intellectual activity".

Articles created with the help of artificial intelligence technologies are not accepted for consideration.

Ленинградский государственный университет им. А.С. Пушкина