Quality of religion in Italy. A multi-methods approach

Roberto Cipriani,


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Introduction. A research on religiosity in Italy has been carried out in 2017, covering 164 subjects appropriately selected, without the pretension ofrepresentativeness. The solution of a com-pletely open interview was tested. For the rest of the 86 subjects, the first part was entirely free and the second part was on some concepts-stimuli: daily and festive life, happiness and pain, life and death, God, prayer, religious institutions and Pope Francis. The results were corroborated with T2K (Text-to-Knowledge), Lexical Correspondences Analysis and VoSpec procedure (Vocabulaire Sp?cifique des Groupes d'individus). An analysis sheet similar to a semi-structured questionnaire was then prepared.
Materials and methods.The subjects to be interviewed were selected through a stratification of three categories related to the degree of study obtained (level of obligation, upper-middle school diploma, degree), the distinction of gender (man, woman), residence (small towns, medium munici-palities, large cities), geographical distribution (north, centre, south and islands) and age (young, adults, elderly).
Results. For almost half of the qualitative sample, i.e. 78 cases, the interviewers tried to ob-tain narratives, reflections, interpretations and evaluations that were not at all solicited through di-rect or indirect questions on the theme of religiosity. On the other hand, for the rest of the 86 subjects interviewed, atwofold method was used within the same interview, that is, a first part that could be freely used by the interviewee in terms of content and a second part to be addressed, based on some concepts-stimuli proposed by the interviewer to solicit answers on daily and festive life, happiness and pain, life and death, God, prayer, religious institutions and pope Francis.
Conclusion. As a result of empirical substantiation and theoretical development of the main categories, five fundamental concepts have emerged that can give rise to a theory:(1)“Pastoral care” (believers who help other people by drawing inspiration from the values of Christianity), (2) “Rhetoric of charitable humanitarianism” (people who perceive other people as different and dan-gerous and, at the same time, tell of the effort to welcome and accept the needy), (3) “Prisoners of despair” (they experience the difficulties of life in a passive and resigned way and takes refuge in God and prayer), (4) “Embracing faith” (practicing believers, guided by Christian precepts and liv-ing the faith as dogma) and (5) “Beyond everything” (individuals, who are discordant on the themes of life, death, and the afterlife, but, beyond ideas, actions, and skepticism, they have faith in God).

Roberto Cipriani
Professor Emeritus of Sociology
Roma Tre University
Rome, Italy

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Ключевые слова:
religiosity, Italy, qualitative analysis, T2K2 (Text-to-Knowledge, v. 2), lexical correspondences analysis, specific vocabulary procedure, content analysis as investigation, Grounded Theory, analysis of discursive dynamics, bimatrix and multidimensional analysis

Для цитирования:
Cipriani, R. (2020). Quality of religion in Italy. A multi-methods approach.Vestnik Leningradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta imeni A.S.Pushkina – Pushkin Leningrad State University Journal. No 3. pp. 193–207.

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